Saturday, October 25, 2008

Scary Story

One late night, 12:23am perhaps, I was awoken with a fright. I think it was fall because when the wind blew the smell of dead leaves swept into my room. It was that night an undistinguished noise had caught my attention beyond my midnight dreams. For a moment, I swear that I was still dreaming. I say this because what I was experiencing could, in fact, never occur in reality. Still adjusting to the sudden wake up, I saw someone slowly walk down the hallway, toward my brothers room. He kept walking from one end of the hallway to the other. Suddenly, he stopped at my doorway. He paused for second. Then slowly he turned toward me. At first, I thought it was my brother. The figure was dark like a shadow. It would be impossible to ever figure out who it may have been from my perspective. Although I could not see any physical features, I knew he was looking right at me from my door way. I soon began to worry. I thought maybe my brother was sleep walking, because he had done so once before. I called out to him hoping if he was sleep walking, he would wake up, but there was no response. I kept calling, but still no response from whoever was looking at me. The figure then turned slowly and walked back down the hallway. I got out of bed, again, trying to get use to my surrounding. I walked toward my doorway to peek out into the hallway. At the same time, I was hoping the figure wasn't standing right around the corner. I looked to the left and didn't see a thing. I looked to the right and saw that my brothers door was closed, so I knew he was sleeping. I tip-toed down the hallway to see where the figure had gone. With every step I took, I felt like it was right next to me. I had finally reached the ledge of the staircase. Looking down into the living room, I saw nothing but the outline of furniture. I peeked downstairs into the kitchen from the stair landing. The figure had disappeared. At this moment, I was thinking that it was a burglar, but the house alarm never went off, unless it was disconnected in some way. With caution, I quietly walked into the kitchen. I figured it was going to be like all the horror movies. The one's where the half naked girl walks around in a dark house only to be stabbed to death by a killer. However, nothing happened. I searched every room in the house, except my brother's and parents room. I had no idea what to do next, so I stood in the middle of the kitchen trying to comprehend what exactly was happening here. I was thinking to myself that I must have been dreaming or least half awake. I was trying to think logically of the possibility that what I saw was actually real. For whatever reason a chill ran down my back. I had the feeling that I was being watched. Not just watched, but closely examined. My eyes were drawn to the kitchen window. There was something outside, but I couldn't quite make it out. I squinted my eyes so much that nothing was clear anymore. I walked toward the window to get a better look at what I was seeing. As I approached the window, in front of me was this thing peering into my kitchen. It was staring directly at me with its dead black eyes. I couldn't see its face. I don't think it had a face. I don't know why, but for some odd reason I couldn't move. I was mesmerized by its stare. It then started to call out to me it in a sweet, calm, mellow voice. "Eric. Hello Eric. I see you. Come here. I want to show you something. I think you'll like it.", it said. I reluctantly refused. It then persisted. "Come on, Eric. If you don't come here, I'm going to come in there." My heart was racing. My body was trembling. All I could do was shut my eyes so tightly that perhaps my eyes were going to explode. I kept telling myself to wake up. I begged myself to wake up, but with my eyes hurting from being shut tightly, I knew that this was not a dream. I had no choice but to open my eyes. I was hoping whatever was out there was gone. When I opened my eyes again, the thing that stood outside my window was now standing directly in front of me. Its dull black eyes were lined up with mine. It's head was tilted with a smile, but at the same time its mouth was hanging wide open with no exposed teeth. Its breath was that of the foulest eggs. It just stood there smiling. I was terrified, but at the same time still mesmerized by its dull gaze. I closed my eyes again. This time when I opened my eyes, it was gone. Maybe I was still in a trance, but for whatever reason, I calmly walked up the stairs to go back to bed as if nothing had ever happened. As I was walking up the stairs, I stopped on the first stair balcony. Something had caught my eye. To my left is my front door with two little windows near the top and above the door is one giant window going vertical to the ceiling. I happened to look out my front door window and I saw someone just standing outside, either wanting to come in or wanting someone to come out. There was no knock on the door or no ring to the the door bell. The person looked about six feet tall, maybe a little bit taller. I kept staring at it trying to make out the shape. It must had seen me because it lifted its head up and I could tell that it was looking right at me. It then spoke through the door. It said, "I see you and I'm going to get you". Then suddenly the shape stuck its head through the door. It yelled at me screaming, "open the F***in door!". Immediately, I ran to my bedroom to escape this nightmare. I don't know how anyone in my house couldn't hear anything. I also have no idea why I didn't go to anybody about any of this. I guess I was too afraid. Maybe if I told my parents what was going on everything would vanish making me out to be insane. As I entered my bedroom, my cell phone rang. It had no ringtone, so it just kept vibrating on my nightstand. I thought perhaps it was one of my friends making a late night call. I didn't care who it was at the moment. I just needed to talk to someone. I looked to see who it was, but when I looked at the front screen, a picture of a girl appeared on it. I had never seen this girl once in my life. She had dark hair and was smiling back at me with creepiest grin. Freaked out by this, I flipped the cell phone upside down, took out the battery, and shoved it in a desk drawer. The only thing left to do was to hide in my bedsheets. So there I was under my sheets like a little boy does when he thinks there's a monster in the closet. Well, this time, there really is one. As I was laying under my covers, I could here my door being closed slowly. I never heard it fully close, but when I peeked out from underneath the blankets, it was shut. My room was now pitch black. I wanted to reach for the blinds, but I was too afraid to know what was out there. I slowly peeked out from under my covers hoping that there wasn't something hovering above me. My room was too dark to see anything. There was one thing that caught my eye. As I 'm trying to make objects out in my room, I notice a figure leaning against my door. Maybe I wasn't quite thinking, but I leaned in to get a better view. As I'm leaning in, I'm also pulling back, but somehow I keep progressing a little closer to the object. I still couldn't see what it was. I realized that my video camera was on my desk next to me. I grabbed it, turned it on, hit record and switched it to night vision. I looked down at the screen to see what I was looking at. In front of me was that girl on my cell phone standing in the corner of my bedroom. She was staring right at me with her disturbing grin. Her face was the color of rotting green and her eyes were unable to be shown. All I could see were two black holes where her eyes should have been. She had thin, long, black hair that was almost completely gone from her scalp. Half of her face was deteriorated with some spiders nesting in her eye sockets. She was naked, but she had no features. She then began to walk slowly toward me as if she was gliding on air. I panicked. I turned off the night vision for a second and sat there in the dark waiting to be killed by the girl. Nothing happened. I was still here. I turned the camera back on. I looked at the screen and she was gone. I searched my room with the camera to make sure nobody was in there with me. I didn't find a thing. However, when I reached my dresser, there she was upon it. She was standing in the corner of my room looking down at me with her head tilted and her smile growing even larger. Without hesitation, I quickly ran out of my room and hid in the downstairs guest room. I decided to stay there for the rest of the night. An hour went by and everything seemed so calm and peaceful at that moment. However, the horror kept continuing. As I was laying in my bed I kept thinking about that girl. Her face was trapped in my mind and there was no way of repressing it. It haunted me so much that whenever I closed my eyes, her face sank under my eyelids. Instead of falling asleep, I just laid there staring at the wall. While I was laying there, I happened to turn to my right and there she was. The girl was in my bed laying next to me with her empty spider nesting eye sockets beaming at me. She didn't dare to move, but she gradually built up a huge grin, which eventually overlapped her eyes. I literally rolled out of bed and fell onto the floor, now tangled in my sheets. Laying on my back, I looked straight up and there the girl peered over the bed staring down at me, still with her empty eye sockets and overlapping grin. I finally figured that there was no way of escaping this. I was trapped. The next thing I knew, I was awake in my own bed with the sun shining in my face. I had somehow survived the night, but how? Was it a dream? Did I imagine it all? I then remembered my video camera. I turned it on, hoping to find the image that I shot that night. Nothing was on it. I guess none of it was true. It must have been a serious nightmare, but then my cell phone rang from inside my desk drawer with the battery on top of my nightstand.....