Thursday, March 6, 2008


Today, at approximately 2:30pm, Delta College had a school emergency. It all happened during my last class of the day, astronomy. Our teacher was giving a lecture on comets when out of nowhere I hear this loud, obnoxious buzz. I first turned to my neighbor, Adam, to check if he was hearing the same noise. It wasn't long until our teacher took notice and checked to see what all the noise was about. It turned out that it was the school alarm. People were running to go in the nearest class for safety. Of course with all the school shootings occurring, it wasn't a surprise to see people freaked out. It was really weird because no one knew what to do. It wasn't like high school where the alarm goes off and everyone stands in front of their classroom. Plus, our class was on the fourth floor. We all walked down the stairs together unaware of what was going on. As we were walking down stairs, we could see firetrucks and police cars surrounding the campus. We all figured that there was a fire somewhere, since we were in the science building. Maybe there was a chemical fire in the labs. I walked around a little to see if anyone knew anything. I could hear people whispering to one another, "I think they're looking for someone". Firemen were coming out of their trucks with stretchers and oxygen tanks. I don't know if anyone got hurt. I figured since this was happening I'd head on home. But my car was across the campus. Police officers had blocked off all access to the department buildings. So I had to go around, through the scene of all the action. I finally reached my car. I drove away, but only to see more firetrucks on every corner of the school. When I drove off campus, I took a right onto Pershing Avenue. There's a detour I always take to avoid traffic lights. All of a sudden, I see a line up of police cars. They were all parked along the sidewalk. The police had arrested a Caucasian male. The man looked about 40 years of age. Dirty blond hair, partially bald. He looked somewhat rugged, wearing a white shirt and jeans.

Several days later, I discovered that the man I saw getting arrested was involved in a bank robbery that same day. Him and a couple other guys were on the lose from the police. I'm guessing the cops arrested the other men.

So that was a pretty cool experience. School was let out and justice was served during the same day. Actually, we were supposed to go back to class afterwards, but I didn't know, sooooo....yeah.