Monday, October 27, 2008

Judgement House

Every year on Halloween, my church puts on a serious drama, called Judgement House. Its basically an alternative for Halloween, so kids out trick or treating can come and learn about God without actually learning about God. What we do is, we think of a dramatic scenario, such as suicide, teen pregnancy, school shooting or 9/11, and we somehow put the message of God within the script.
This year, the title is, called A Letter From Hell. It's about this kid named Tullee who has been trying to save his friend Boomer from going to Hell. One night, Tullee insists that Boomer comes to his youth group and not a high school party. However, Boomer refuses Tullee's invitation and attends the party instead. There, Boomer is getting drunk, along with all his friends. Tullee then shows up and tries to take Boomer home, but Boomer is being stubborn. Eventually, Boomer drives home drunk and crashes off the road and is killed instantly. Because Boomer never accepted Tullee's church invitation, Boomer never learned about God. For his consequences, Boomer is sent to Hell and writes a letter to Tullee describing everything that is happening to him in Hell. However, an angel soon appears and takes Boomer out of Hell to show him the life he once lived. Finally, after showing Boomer's past life, he is taken back to his holding cell in Hell and is eventually thrown into the Lake of Fire with Satan himself.

For some reason, this drama really impacted me. It showed me that there are so many teens that try to tell their friends about God, but they never listen. Eventually, time catches up to them and their ticket has been stubbed. It wasn't just the idea of people rejecting God that affected me. It was the fact that so many people actually do know about God and they take advantage of that privilege. A lot of us think that since we are going to Heaven and that we have a relationship with God believe that we can do whatever we want. Some people just become Christians just to have "Fire Insurance". Teens probably think, "Oh, I can have sex. I can drink. I can look at porn. I'm going to Heaven anyway". Those people are going to Heaven, but when God comes face to face with them, they are going to be embarrassed, full of regret, and most of all, ashamed. There are Christians who once lived a Godly life, but somewhere down the road they fell away and made their own path.
If someone has a friend who has fallen away from God, talk to that person. Don't just talk to him or her a few times and if they don't listen get it give up on them. No. That's not a good friend. A good friend will not let their other friend stay in a wayward situation. Keep talking to that person, even if they get annoyed by you. Importantly, do not avoid that person because he or she doesn't follow the Christian way anymore.
There are so many people that I know that are Christians but have decided that they are going to live only for themselves. It's so sad and very disturbing to realize that some of our friends might not be with us in Heaven. It's even more disturbing that some of my Christian friends are giving up on one another and giving up on God's scripture.
Our lives are so short. It can end at any given time. We could die on our way to work, school, or even in our sleep, and then what? Are you going to be ready for whatever the next life has is store for you? If you or anyone you know doesn't know about Christ, please, please let them or yourself know about God. Trust me, anywhere is better than Hell, but no place is better than Heaven.