Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Reason

If someone came up to me and asked, "Do you believe everything happens for a reason?", I would say, "Yes, I do". You see, we live in a world where either life is reason or life is by chance. If it's by reason, then that means God has your life planned out in His hands. If it is by chance, that means there is no meaning to life, no purpose, no value, no respect. Life would simply be pointless. I figured, no matter how many mistakes a person has made, it all leads up to a reason. With every breath we breathe. With every step we take. With every word we think and with every thought we have, there is always a reason behind it. Of course, that reason may not show up until later on down the road. For example, say someone came up to you and said, "Did you know that there are 206 bones in the human body?" and you probably never knew that. Now, days, maybe months have passed and you still have that fact in your mind. Now, someone else comes up to you and asks, "Do you know how many bones are in the human body"? With the memory still tied in, you would say, "206". I'm sure that that person did not expect someone else to ask him that question, but he/she was prepared. That all happened because of reason. There's always a reason. When people escape death, there's a reason why. When good things or bad things happen to people, there's a reason why. Reason builds our relationship with others. Everything we do not only affects our lives, but others as well. I want you to imagine life as a movie script. A script is a book with characters, dialogue, actions, and storyline. Everything in a script is written out from start to finish. Just like us, our lives are also written out from start to finish. The director just happens to be God and we are His actors living by His script. No matter what we do, even if we think it's wrong, it's still going accordingly to our script. Just writing this blog entry affected my life instantaneously. I don't know what the reason is, but according to the script analogy, it has. Also, think about the butterfly effect. The idea is that a butterfly's wings could change the atmosphere altering a path of a tornado or even preventing a tornado in a certain location. But, if the butterfly had not flapped its wings, the system might have been different. Of course, the butterfly effect deals with chaos theory, which is a totally different blog entry. But think of the idea in terms of reason. So whenever we think we have lost, we have actually won, but not yet. Trust me, you'll be glad that some things didn't work out for you. Life cannot be without reason. Whether you believe in it or not, it surrounds every aspect of life.