Thursday, July 3, 2008

The Greatest Adventure

Recently, I got the privilege of watching a very good movie, called "The Bucket List". The movie goes about two elderly men, played by Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, who only have six months to live before they 'kick the bucket'. They create a list of things that they want to see and do before they die. Morgan Freeman plays a very intelligent mechanic. He doesn't have much in his life, only his family, but is still very grateful. Jack Nicholson plays a lonely wealthy man. His only companion is his sarcastic servant, Thomas. The two characters are sitting on top of a tomb in Cairo, Egypt when Morgan Freeman asks Jack two questions. He asks him two questions that the Egyptians believe God will ask them when they die before entering Heaven. He asks him, Do you have joy in your life? And, Have you brought joy to others? Jacks characters couldn't think of anything to respond with. After watching the movie, it made me think of my own life. Do I have joy in my life? And, have I brought joy to others? I can answer those questions by saying, yes to both. I feel that I do have endless joy in my life. The joy is brought upon me from my family, friends, my talents, and especially God. I also believe that I have brought joy to others lives. Maybe not everyone, but I know for a fact that people have a sense of happiness when I'm around. I know when I'm loved and I know when I'm not loved by others.

Also, I thought about a day when I might die. I thought of two things:

1) I thought about all the people I have hurt in my life. I know I have hurt so many souls and I can never take those mistakes away. I try with all my heart to make things right when I mess up. I don't ever expect a friendship, but just the fact that they know how sorry I was. I know I'm going to hurt others down the road, I'm only human.

2) I thought about all the things I should have said to others. No one likes to die knowing that they have some unsaid words to let out. I always feel I could have said, "I love you" more to my family. Even if there's a girl that you love a lot. Just the fact that they know you love them can make all the difference in the world. Maybe I could have complimented people more. I feel I also could have done something better. I could have helped someone or could have done something to make someone elses life a little bit easier.

I know I have my whole life to fix my mistakes and be a better person, but my entire life could end tomorrow. I am prepared to meet God and spend all eternity with Him in Heaven. In fact, I always insist that God comes back today to take us all home. I know that everyday is another day for me to do God's will. And when God feels that I've done my part in this world, He will carry me home.

When I die, I don't want to go down as just a somebody. I want to be known as "Eric, the man who lived his life for others". I don't want to die and have some people be glad that I'm dead. For now, I will continue with my life and do the best I can to live it.