Monday, December 8, 2008

"Sorry Jesus That Your Birthday Sucks"

We have all heard about this man that goes by several names; St. Nick, Kris Kringle, Father Christmas, the big guy in the red suit, or just Santa Clause. There are those who believe in him and then there are those who are skeptics. Even though Santa does not exist in the way we perceive him as, he did at once exist as a real human being. There are many stories that are told to tell the life and origin of Santa. Many stories include the idea that a man by the name St. Nicholas gave gifts to the poor. He was never perceived as a fat jolly man in a red suit with leather boots and belt until the 19th century. Other countries see Santa differently than we do. Some countries see Santa as he really was and some see him in a similar way that we see him today, but slightly different. There are Christians who believe that Santa actually distracts people from understanding the true meaning of Christmas. Christians believe that Jesus, the Messiah, was born in a manger from the virgin Mary in the town of Bethlehem. Instead of having faith in Jesus, we as a society put our faith in Santa. We bring our children to the malls to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what they want for Christmas. If they don't get that gift that they asked for, then it's all Santa's fault. Christmas has become all about asking and wanting. It's really like a battle between Santa and Jesus. There are songs that sing about Jesus like; Joy to the World, Away in the Manger, and Hark! The Herold Angels Sing. Then there are songs about Santa like; Here Comes Santa Clause, Little St. Nick, and Santa Clause is Coming to Town. In the song, Santa Clause is Coming to Town, Santa knows if anyone has been good or bad, is asleep or awake, which means that Santa is watching each and every one of us each day of the year. It kinda portrays the existence of God. Like Santa, God is also omnipresent, which means he is everywhere all the time watching us. Some people for Christmas put up lights, while others set up their Nativities. Whenever we watch TV, the character will state that Christmas is not about receiving gifts, it's about being with the ones you love. Both of those statements are false. Like I said before, it's about one man named Jesus. Of course, no one really knows the exact day of Jesus' birth, but since it is dedicated on December 25, then it ought to be celebrated. It's almost like the "Sixteen Candles" factor. You wake up and it's your birthday, but no one remembers because of they have other things to worry about. There's a line in the TV show, "The Office" where Michael, played by Steve Carrel, is stressed out by everyone's bad attitude during Christmas and Michael says, "Sorry Jesus that your birthday sucks". It's funny, because it's true. We are so wrapped up in getting the perfect gift that Christmas literally becomes chaotic. I guess we can blame the Three Wisemen for that. Jesus doesn't care if we buy gifts or not. He doesn't expect us to. Santa does expect us to give gifts or ask for gifts. So when we do celebrate Christmas, keep in mind that it's not about Santa. It's all about Jesus. Jesus always wins.