Saturday, November 8, 2008

Different Roads

They say that God has a plan for everything and everyone. They say that everyone is walking down the road of life. Down every road two people will somehow meet and their lives will be changed forever. I myself think it may take longer for me to find that one special person. I've had a lot of crushes in my life, some more serious than others. Of course, every love interest of mine never happened. I was the one always crushing, not the one being crushed on. I was the one always getting hurt in the end. But I have figured out a pattern. Yes, there's a pattern. Check it out. This is what I have realized. I have realized that every girl that I have liked has become pregnant before marriage. Everyone of them has gone down that road of parenthood unexpectedly. These are girls that I really liked. These are also girls that you'd never expect premarital pregnancy from. So, to hear about these tales surprised me. My friend Matt jokes around by calling me a "Jinx". I find that funny. It could be true. I can see that. But somehow I think God paved a different road for me and those girls. While those girls walked down one road, I was lead down a different road. It's kinda like those books where you can create your own adventure. If I would have went down road A, I might have made a mistake and I'd fall off a cliff. Well, not a cliff, but you know, bad things would happen. Since I was lead down road B, I escaped those possible relationships. Even though I was never in those relationships, I feel somewhat sad for those girls. Not bad, sad. I'm afraid that if this pattern continues then the girl that I loved the most might get caught in it. I can't let this happen. All I can do is hope that it doesn't happen. If it does happen, then...I don't know.