Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Perfection is an Oxymoron

Have you ever known someone that you just love and care about so much only to be disappointed by them? If you have, then I know how you feel. It's really hard to deal with. You just want to picture everyone with little halos above their heads. But when you discover that the golden halo has been cut into two red thorns, all of your views suddenly crumble to the ground. Especially when you have so much respect and confidence in that person. Sometimes I wish God did make us all perfect. By that, there would be no wars, no anger, no sadness, no imperfection of the human mind. What are you suppose to do when you find out the one you love isn't all he/she is cut out to be? Again, it's not an easy thing to deal with, I know. But it doesn't matter because of the fact that we humans are not created perfect. And that's the beauty of it. In order to achieve happiness, we must all encounter disappointment by our fellow friends. From that point on, we can help one another and maybe encourage them to become a better person. When someone really disappoints you, it's hard to see them as you did before. But you still love them just as you did before. It's kinda like a "love/hate" situation. You think to yourself, "Why did they have to go and do that?" and it saddens you to have to think that way. I know everyone makes mistakes. I should know, I'm a huge problem. I'm nothing close to perfection, and I don't intend to be be perfect, but everyday I strive to become a better person. Not just for myself, but for my family, friends, and especially for God. We are a fine example of what Jesus Christ went through when He walked the Earth. He was disappointed by his own disciples, by his followers, and by the entire human race. But he still loved us so much to give His life for us so that when we disappoint God we may be forgiven and given a second chance. There's just no way of escaping man's imperfection. So the moral of this blog is, "If you love someone and they disappoint you, don't give up on them. Love them just as God will always love you".